Monday, July 6, 2015

Fourth of July fun-July 4, 2015

Mari, Marissa, John and I went to the Mission Viejo Street Faire.

Enjoy the pictures!



John and Mari

Mission Viejo Lake

Mission Viejo Lake

Street Faire

Street Faire

Street Faire

Street Faire

Street Faire

Street Faire

Street Faire

Street Faire

Street Faire

Street Faire

Street Faire

Vendor at the Street Faire

Young man with glasses

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Fourth of July fun-July 3, 2015

On the third of July, I went to Rancho Santa Margarita Lake to see the patchwork quilt.  People start putting blankets, tarps, etc. down on the grassy area to save places to watch the fireworks.

Waiting for fireworks

Waiting for fireworks

Beautiful quilt

Waiting for fireworks

Rancho Santa Margarita Lake

Waiting for fireworks

Seats for the fireworks

Patchwork quilt

Waiting for fireworks

Waiting for fireworks

Flag and Patchwork Quilt

Patchwork Quilt

Patchwork Quilt